Plant bulbs now for spring color

Days grow shorter and evenings grow cooler as fall comes rolling down the hills and valleys, bringing color to trees and a slowing to the garden. Flowers begin to fade and green tomatoes, slowed by the lack of heat, cling to vines that are starting to show the wear and tear of age. While most fall landscape tasks concentrate on cleaning up and putting things … Continue reading Plant bulbs now for spring color

Fall bulbs for a colorful spring

The mercury (or red-dyed alcohol) creeps farther down the thermometer. Glimmering morning frost that highlights the world around us gives way to a bone-chilling freeze. Autumn colors fade from the hillside, leaving shivering, naked trees in their wake. Fall slowly gives way to the winter creeping up behind it. As temperatures dip, many gardeners find time for one last activity, a celebration of a gardening … Continue reading Fall bulbs for a colorful spring