Raised Bed Rebuttal

The most recent article from this writer basically cast raised beds as evil and ecologically horrific while glorifying the practice of tilling up soil for a garden.  As the growing mountain of evidence shows, tilling and soil disruption has a big negative environmental impact and can reduce production.  To point out all the flaws I found with the article, I put pen to paper….er, fingertips to keyboard to list all the issues I had with the article for the Garden Professors blog.   Continue reading Raised Bed Rebuttal

Gardening for big flavor in a small space

The square foot gardening method was developed by a man named Mel Bartholomew and popularized in his book simply titled “Square Foot Gardening,” originally published in 1981. The current edition of the book is called “All New Square Foot Gardening, 2nd edition.” Bartholomew, who I had the pleasure to meet one year at the West Virginia Master Gardener Conference, passed away on April 28 at the age of 84. He leaves behind a legacy that will change the way many people garden for years to come. Continue reading Gardening for big flavor in a small space

Raise your garden to the next level

Many people ask me what my best suggestion is for starting a vegetable garden. Hands down, the first suggestion that comes out of my mouth is to garden in raised beds. There are just too many benefits to raised beds not to make them a serious part of your garden. For a modest up-front investment of money, time and labor, you can enjoy years of … Continue reading Raise your garden to the next level