Squash family provides harvest for summer and fall

We are at the point in the year where activity in the vegetable garden has reached a fever pitch. It is likely to remain busy for some time through the summer. We are actually at a point where we are managing things that are starting to reach maturity while looking forward to the fall.

There’s no better example of this than the squash family — while you may have summer squash and zucchini preparing to mature, it is time to cast an eye toward fall and plant pumpkins. Continue reading Squash family provides harvest for summer and fall

Changing leaves means time to transplant trees and shrubs

The leaves still cling to the trees, immersed in the process of shedding their emerald green tones for the vibrant warm colors they don for the fall. The process begins as cooler weather and shorter days signal the trees that winter is approaching. The trees in turn begin breaking down their chlorophyll, the green pigment responsible for capturing energy from the sun to be used … Continue reading Changing leaves means time to transplant trees and shrubs

Plant bulbs now for spring color

Days grow shorter and evenings grow cooler as fall comes rolling down the hills and valleys, bringing color to trees and a slowing to the garden. Flowers begin to fade and green tomatoes, slowed by the lack of heat, cling to vines that are starting to show the wear and tear of age. While most fall landscape tasks concentrate on cleaning up and putting things … Continue reading Plant bulbs now for spring color

Tending the plants you grow: Soil Testing

Good gardeners and farmers know how to tend the plants they grow. They know what and when to plant, and how to respond to issues like pests, diseases, and abnormal weather to have good results. Great gardeners and farmers, on the other hand, know that tending the soil where their plants grow is the first, and most important, step to growing with the greatest results. … Continue reading Tending the plants you grow: Soil Testing

Garden Do-over – Reinventing the garden for fall

The tomatoes hold on for their last hurrah – a feverish push before they succumb to disease or the icy grip of frost.  Cucumbers and squash, looking ragged after a long season, produce as fast as they can as the season comes to a close.  Gardens this summer have had it rough.  From a water-logged beginning to a scorching summer, some people have just had … Continue reading Garden Do-over – Reinventing the garden for fall

Plant now for fall vegetables’ last hurrah

The heat of summer has finally arrived. The blazing sun and sticky humidity are enough to make you want to stay in the cool breeze of the air conditioner. It seems an odd time to be thinking about fall, but it is time to plant a few things in the garden so that you can have a last hurrah in the veggie patch. Most people … Continue reading Plant now for fall vegetables’ last hurrah

Escape summer by thinking fall

It seems as though the sweltering heat of summer has come early to suppress us all in a lazy, hazy fog. I know I certainly avoid being outside as much as I can when the thermometer tops 90 degrees. Merely sitting — even in the shade — can leave you a sticky, sweaty mess. There’s one way to beat the sultry summer blues, though. Think … Continue reading Escape summer by thinking fall