Seed Saving and Plant Sex Ed

We grow our tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers and more to harvest their fruit to eat, but the plant’s intent is to produce alluring fruits containing seeds that will be spread by animals to pass on their genetic material.

While our consumption of these plants doesn’t readily spread genetic material through dispersing seeds (at least not since the dawn of modern bathrooms), we can still play a part in saving and continuing the plant’s genetic material. Continue reading Seed Saving and Plant Sex Ed

Should I be planting hybrid seeds?

There seems to be a lot of confusion and misinformation these days concerning the origin and safety of everyday garden seeds. While I do appreciate many of our heirloom seeds, I also appreciate what hybrid seeds bring to the table. Unfortunately, misinformation has led to a great number of home gardeners believing that hybrid seeds are genetically modified and unsafe. It is amazing to see … Continue reading Should I be planting hybrid seeds?